Monday, August 13, 2018

25 Hardcore Reader Facts

By hardcore reader I don't mean reading hundreds of books evey year, reviewing every chapter on Goodreads and blogging about every book you've read. But you read simply because you enjoy it, and so you read a lot. You don't think too much of that kid who bragged about cliff notes getting him through high school, or the guy who read one book in University and hasn't picked one up since (looking at you my cousin). 

You are aware of the bookish community, goodreads, bookstagram and booktube. 
Explaining these social media platforms full of bookworms to your non-reading friends and family might get you a few weird looks. No its not a cult, just aesthetic book piles and reviews.

Half of your Pinterest and Instagram feeds are pictures of aesthetically placed books, bookmarks, mugs, socks, funko pops and tea.

You have too many books and not enough bookshelves, 
well according to those you live with anyway. But they needn't fear, you're already on your way to buy more shelves and twinkle lights.

You usually prefer the book over the movie. There are just so many good moments that don't make it on-screen, characters are cut or look completely different and often the plot changes so drastically that it should be considered a crime to name it like the original book in the first place.

If you've ever build a Minecraft castle it included several Belle-sized libraries and books in every bed and guest room.

Even if Belle wasn't your favorite Disney princess, that library is everything.

You rigorously update your reading process on Goodreads or spend hours on your tbr lists and looking at new books

Hell or high water you will achieve your Goodreads reading goal, or just give up and wonder how some people read 200 books a year (Do they not work?)

You probably have a Bookstagram or blog, but it's not necessarily thriving

Your favorite series/trilogies probably include at least one of the following

Harry Potter
The Chronicles of Narnia
Lord of the Rings
Percy Jackson
The Hunger Games
Throne of Glass
The Maze Runner
Anne of Green Gables.

Anything will make a good bookmark

Words are delicious. You can;t really explain it but you know what I mean.

Old and new books smell good in equal but different ways

Bookstores, no matter how small or empty of people, are surprisingly hard to get out of

You definitely judge a book by its cover, you may even buy or not buy a book based 
only on aesthetics

Each book in a set must be the same height and edition or it simply disturbs the peace

Tea is universally acknowledged as the bookworms drink even if you don't drink tea 

It hurts when you see casual-to-non-reading-readers mistreat a book (bend the spine, dog-ear pages or leave grease marks or spilled drink spots on a page)

No matter how much you trust a friend with your books, you still worry about them harming your precious babies

If your broke you also have a new pile of books somewhere

Your tbr never gets smaller, and you buy new books before you read what you already own

You rearrange your bookshelves for fun, and frequently

Paperbacks are cheaper and easier to read, but you still want an expensive hardcovers to 
look pretty on your shelf, its a battle

Reading in bed requires positions in which the light hits the page, your arms don't tire too 
quickly and a heavy book won't flatten your face.

You always bring a book to:

The beach
Social events

That's all for my list of 25 Hardcore Reader Facts! I hope you enjoyed this post and that some of these things resonated with you, till next time! (I may just make a part two to this post at some point).

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